How to get rid of Weeds naturally

June 10, 2021

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If you have tons of weeds in your yard or garden and you want to find a way to get rid of weeds naturally then you’re in the right place. Anything that kills chemically, I’m not a fan of! Since I have a family, dog, and chickens roaming around the garden and backyard all the time, using a toxic weed killer would most definitely be harmful to my family!  So because of that, I found a natural solution that I use on my weeds that works wonders! On this blog you’re going to see lots of posts about vinegar and baking soda because I’m just a big fan of using these natural ingredients. Make sure to subscribe to my newsletter, if you’d like to learn more hacks!

Alright let’s dive into how to get rid of weeds naturally with a homemade solution. 


Of course there’s a simple way to do it: just  pull the weeds. But even if you pull the weeds, sometimes you can pull the roots out, and it’ll grow back again in a matter of time. With my method, you can get rid of weeds naturally, non-toxic, and it’s eco-friendly, fast and inexpensive. Win-win-win! This solution will dry out the weeds and after that, the weeds will disintegrate.  

get rid of weeds naturally


  • Less than $2 to make


  • White vinegar (5% acidity level) 
  • Any  salt (don’t use any expensive salt)
  • Any dish soap (the purpose of soap is it helps the vinegar stick to the weeds)
  • Spray bottle


  • 4 cups of white vinegar 
  • 1 tbsp Castile soap 
  • Epsom Salt


Add all the ingredients into the spray bottle and shake it up. Wait about 5 mins for the salt to dissolve. It is super important to do this on a sunny day because this method will only work if it’s sunny for 24 hours. Make sure you don’t do it 2 hours before it starts raining. The sun helps power this solution to kill the weeds. 

Within 1 hour of spraying you should start to see the weeds dry up. 

Helpful Hints: 

  • I only make a bottle every time I need to kill weeds. If you have tons of weeds in the garden I would suggest buying a one gallon sprayer at home depot. 
  • Only make as much as you need and don’t save it for next time. It’s more effective when this solution is used immediately. 
  • This solution is best in your garden around pathways, bricks, driveways, and walls. This will kill grass and your vegetables, flowers, plants, etc. So make sure you’re not spraying your grass or other plants with this. 

It is important to know I’m using only safe natural ingredients to kill weeds and not just buying some over-the-counter toxic ingredients in my yard. Before I had a family, it was all about convenient and fast solutions. But now that I have a family and lots of pets, I now have to find safe alternatives to make sure my family is safe. But thankfully, this method way cheaper than buying those toxic weed killers at the store. Inexpensive and safe, always a good idea!





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