30 day January challenge (2)

30 day workout challenge

December 31, 2021

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Hey friends! Wow, can’t believe we’re just one day away from starting the new year. This past year went by so fast. To tell you the truth…I am still in surviving mom mode. It was tough getting the kids back into the whole school routine but man what a blessing to have them in school.

I’ve felt very overwhelmed and stressed throughout this holiday season especially with the surge in COVID cases. This is why I’ve made this new year a priority to take care of myself so I can mentally and physically take care of my family better.

30 day Challenge

Today, I want to share with you my 30 day January challenge! I’ve found that exercising has saved me day after day from feeling overwhelmed with the kids or any given situation, which is why I wanted to design an easy-to-follow 30-day challenge that includes all my favorite fitness YouTubers like Caroline Girvan, Sydney Cummings, Lilly Sabri, yoga with Adriene and more.

These workouts are only 20 minutes and you can find them all linked in the pdf below. Feel free to bookmark the link for easy access!

30 day workout challenge

Truthfully as a mom, I’ve been slacking on consistently working out, which is why I find 20 mins to be the perfect amount of time! The low impact can be anything, from just taking 20 mins to walk to taking a bubble bath. Squeeze this in in the morning, at lunchtime, or in the evening if you can! It will make a huge difference in your mood, I promise!

I know 30 days can seem like a lot, but I feel confident that by day 15, you’ll be encouraged by your results, and eventually, you’ll feel weird about NOT working out. I hope this builds a great habit for us so that we can continue this for the rest of the year! This challenge is designed to give you the freedom to determine what is right for your body!

Feel free to take liberties with each workout in accordance with what works for you! The point is to keep your body moving, sweating, and to shake you out of your winter groove!

30 DAY WORKOUT challenge

I am so happy to share this 30 day January challenge with you! Don’t forget to take a before photo, so that you can see your results! Have fun with it and stay consistent and let’s support each other through this journey. I’ll be your accountability buddy. Please follow me on Instagram and TikTok to share your journey with me, I’d love to hear all about it! I’ll also be providing daily updates!

Alright mamas, let’s kick 2022 in the booty and show them what we’re made of! Let’s get healthy and strong together!

Love you, ladies! Happy New Year! Cheers to health and happiness and most importantly family!






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