prepare your kids for daylight savings

5 Tips to prepare your kids for daylight savings time 2021

March 2, 2021

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Fun fact: Benjamin Franklin was NOT the person who originated the idea of daylight savings time. It was actually an entomologist from New Zealand named George Hudson. Not so fun fact: Every fall and spring in America, moms would dread the day that is daylight saving times 2021. Why? Well, let’s see. Getting the little ones on a consistent sleep schedule is tough enough, but throw in daylight savings time 2021 and it’s a REAL TREAT. All my moms know what I mean. I make my feelings real clear about having a consistent bedtime in this post. So when daylight savings time 2021 rolls around, it really does throw everything out of whack. Instead of griping, I’ve instead accepted that this is the way it is. Unless I move to Arizona or Hawaii (I wish), then I should really figure out a solution, which is why today, I’m going to share with you my spring forward 2021 plan: 5 tips to prepare your kids for daylight savings time 2021.

Why is it important?

It’s simple. I have 3 kids under 5 years old. Sleeping is important because the younger the kids are, the more important sleep is for their brain development. Also, well rested kids = happy kids. Happy kids = happy parents. So yes, other than diet, sleep is crucial!

When is daylight savings time 2021?

This year’s daylight savings time 2021 is taking place on March 14th, 2021 at 2 am on a Sunday, which means we have about two weeks to prepare! Alright, let’s dive in!

Tip #1: Plan ahead

If you’re able, I would recommend starting about 1 week before daylight saving time. This means we should start preparing our kids on Sunday, March 7th, 2021. If you think you’re going to have trouble adjusting, simply start earlier! Don’t procrastinate and try to adjust 30 minutes 2 days before, because that’s not going to work. Trust me, I’ve tried in the past! haha

Tip #2: Slowly adjust their bedtime in 10 minute increments

For Spring, we will be waking up earlier than our previous bedtime, which means the kids will start sleeping earlier. Push their bedtimes forward 10 minutes at a time so that they slowly sleep earlier and earlier. Ex: If their bedtime is 9pm, then on Day 1, they’d sleep at 8:50pm all the way until their bedtime is at 8pm by the time the clocks spring forward. Use the same technique for toddler’s who have a nap schedule. 

Sadies’s normal sleep schedule 9pm 

Day 1 8:50 pm

Day 2 8:40 pm

Day 3 8:30pm

Day 4 8:20 pm

Day 5 8:10 pm

Day 6 8:00 pm

Day 7 8:00 pm

Tip #3: Enforce a good bedtime routine

You know what I mean here. In order to get our kids to sleep earlier than usual, we need to enforce the system that signals to their brain that it’s time to sleep: a good bedtime routine. This means: (1) no technology before bed, (2) dimming the lights, (3) using blackout curtains, (4) reading books, (5) turning on white noise, and most importantly, (6) no sugary food before bed! I detail these in length in my bedtime routine post: How to help kids sleep better, 7 tips every parent should know. A good bedtime routine will tell them it’s time to sleep without uttering the words!

Tip #4: If they say they’re not tired

Doesn’t matter! Just stick with the plan and let them go to bed. They’ll lay awake in bed for a bit, but they’ll slowly adjust. It’s up to them to soothe themselves to sleep, not you. 

Tip #5: Stay consistent!

I know it’s tough since spring forward means we’d have to wake up earlier, but it also means more time in the day, which means more sunlight, yay! Most importantly, don’t give up and stay consistent. It’s a lot better to start now rather than later.  

Don’t stress! As human beings we’re easily adaptable animals. We can easily adapt to situations, but since our little ones are still learning, we still have to find ways to help them. Hope this helps mamas! Hope you guys have successful daylight savings! 





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