Fridge Organization Tips | 8 Easy Steps

December 18, 2020

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how to organize french door refrigerator

Organizing has always been one of my favorite things to do. There’s something insatiably rewarding about harnessing chaos. I’ve literally lost count of how many times I’ve reorganized my kitchen – an endless quest to achieve the most optimal arrangement of mason jars and Tupperware. To me, having an organized home makes everything run so much more smoothly. When you’ve got 19 living things to care for, the last thing you want to do is come home to a mess! Today I’m sharing with you 8 Fridge Organization Tips that will clean your fridge up!

When Doug sees me get into my zone…well…he runs…usually he hops in his truck and goes fishing. My sisters on the other hand, often hire me (non-paid) to do home makeovers. Most recently I’ve been reorganizing my family’s refrigerators. Why you may ask?! Because the fridge is the heart of every household; we start and end our days there, it’s the most frequently used appliance, and it’s responsible for everything that keeps a household running. Read on for more benefits & fridge organization tips!

fridge organisation containers
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Why should you organize your fridge?

  • Easy to assess inventory, so you save money by not overbuying
  • Reduces food waste 
  • Promotes food safety
  • Prevents spoilage
  • Promotes healthy eating
  • Inspires your inner chef to cook something amazing and healthy
  • And gosh darn it…it’s so pretty to look at!!!


fridge organization tips
  1. Measure your fridge – With a measuring tape, take note of the depth, width, and height of your fridge.
  2. Shop for fridge organizers – Shop for fridge organization bins that can be used to help organize your fridge! Check out my favorites here.
  3. Declutter your fridge  – Take everything out of the fridge and organize it into two piles: Keep and Toss.  Throw everything that is expired or hasn’t been used in the past 3 months. Think Marie Kondo, if it doesn’t spark joy, just toss it.
  4. Clean your fridge – Perhaps one of my favorite steps. Take some multi-purpose surface cleaner and wipe down every inch of your fridge! Use a washcloth to wipe down all the jars and items. You can find my multi-purpose spray here.
  5. Shop for fresh produce –  I usually grocery shop on a Monday or Tuesday because there are fewer people and I can take my time.

*QUICK TIP* Always make a list of things you need ahead of time, don’t go to the store hungry, and always stay in the outside perimeter of the store to shop healthier!

Categorize and store your items – Dairy, meat, vegetables, fruits, fresh herbs, condiments, beverages, etc.

  • Dairy – Should always be placed in the top rear part of your fridge. This is to ensure that products such as milk, egg, and cheese are in the coldest part of the fridge to prevent spoilage. 
  • Meat – Should always be on the bottom part of your fridge. This is to prevent potential cross-contamination. If you put the meat on the top shelf, blood from the meat can leak down and potentially contaminate your vegetables and fruits. 
  • Vegetables– Most of the vegetables should be stored in the crisper drawer with a high humidity setting. (Crisper drawer is a drawer located inside the fridge that is designed to help prolong the freshness of your vegetables. There’s usually a setting you can change for high and low humidity.) Vegetables wilt slower when there’s more moisture. When I come home from the supermarket I’ll usually take the vegetables out and wrap them in a paper towel and store them in the crisper drawer. Make sure to separate the leafy greens from other fruits. (In my future post I’ll talk about which vegetables and fruits should be stored at room temperature and which should be stored in the fridge)
  • Fruits – I usually put my apples into a fridge bin and berries in a container.  Remember to store your fruits in the fruit drawer with a low humidity setting. Fruits usually rot slower when there’s less moisture. Make sure not to store your fruits and vegetables together because it’ll speed up the ripening process and they will spoil faster.
  • Herbs– Herbs are like flowers, put them in a jar with water and then cover it with a plastic bag. I store them in the refrigerator door. 
  • Condiments– I like to divide my condiments into different categories and store them in the refrigerator door. The refrigerator door temperature fluctuates the most so it’s safer to store drinks or condiments there. 
  • Beverages– Store beverages on the top shelf or the refrigerator door. 

7. Make healthy snacks visible and easily accessible –  This is great for when you or your kids are hungry, you’ll make better choices. I usually like to meal prep every Sunday so I’ll prepare boiled eggs, roasted beets, vegetables, boiled lentils & quinoa, bone broth, soup, and detox shots. If you want to learn more about my meal prep, stay tuned for a future post! 

8. Label your fridge bins –  I like to label what’s in the fridge bins and also the date when I made it or bought it. This way you can keep track of food before it expires. I use these metallic pens on amazon, you can find them here. This way your spouse knows and won’t have to ask you. 

refrigerator organization hacks
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Grab a glass of wine and enjoy your newly organized fridge! Cheers!

So tell me, did you organize your fridge? Did you find these fridge organization tips useful? Would you want to know more about how to organize your freezer next? If so, tell me in the comments below!

If you want more tips on how to maintain a clean and organized fridge remember to subscribe to my blog for future posts! 





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